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Our Favorite Summer Podcasts Our Favorite Summer Podcasts

Our Favorite Summer Podcasts

Podcasts are the wave of the present, the  place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. One reason podcasts are so popular is that the format is uniquely created to fit into our busy lives. So we asked some of our staff the burning question:


What’s your favorite podcast right now and why?

  • Keely:  The Revisionist History. It can get kind of boring at times, but I really feel like I’m learning a lot from them.
  • Morgan G:  Ear Hustle It’s entirely recorded inside San Quintin Prison. They talk about the person and not just the crime. They have cats and birds and a regular life and it’s just nice to know prisoners aren’t just murderers - they’re also regular people!
  • Lexi:  I’ve never watched any podcasts.
  • Sabrina:  Bunny Ears Because who doesn’t love Macaulay Caulkin?!
  • kDen.:  Girl Friday and Nancy. Both are funny and also so real. Great cerebral conversation and hilarious, sometimes sad, but always honest discussions on and about LGBTQIA+ life.
  • Morgan C:  Guys With Feelings. It’s real guys with real feelings, and they actually do talk about them. They also have great guests all the time.
  • Xotchitl: WTF With Marc Maron. Which led me to discover Three Questions With Andy Richter.  Both are great interviewers and honest and really interesting!
  • Monique: Unspookable is a great, family-friendly podcast that debunks urban legends with a feminist curve. It’s really great! I also listen to The Daily by NY Times everyday for my news.
  • Carls: I'll be honest... My Favorite Murder because it's funny and I love true crime. They’re not making judgmental jokes about murders... they're just hilarious with their natural derailments.
  • Sean: Where to begin?! I listen to a lot of podcasts... Skullduggery is my favorite political podcast. Radio Misterioso has a great contrarian take on UFOs.  The Ron Burgandy Podcast is amazing and super fun to listen to with my kids!  But my favorite right now is probably Reply All.  It’s basically these two guys that take on real life internet mysteries, chase down hackers, and bug each other just to see if they can.  It’s one part comedy and one part horror because we’re all so digitally vulnerable!

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